Friday, December 19, 2008

The Caylee Anthony Case


What can I say? I'm another one of the followers of this case - which I'm sure most are.
It's just a very depressing case.
(It hits home since I have a Kaylee, I guess).

Anyways, I've recently become consumed with this case. Before this I didn't really pay much attention (mainly because it's sad and when you have little kids, it hits close to home)...but I've been reading non-stop about this..

Hopefully we'll find out soon if the "remains" are infact Caylee.


Sveaelle said...

I just can't believe they would let someone like her out of jail after she has confused everyone with her different lies of the story. Everyday it's something different with that woman. It breaks my heart that she would rather kill or have her child killed than to give her up for adoption.

OMGimAmom said...

We've been watching since day 1, it absolutely kills me inside. slow painful death would be to good for her.