A serious blog.
I got some papers at one of my sessions about both of the aforementioned subjects.
I thought I should share it with you because I do know a couple of people going through both types of abuse right now.
I got some papers at one of my sessions about both of the aforementioned subjects.
I thought I should share it with you because I do know a couple of people going through both types of abuse right now.
Using Intimidation:
Making the other afraid to use looks, actions, gestures. Smashing things. Destroying property. Abusing pets. Displaying weapons.
Using Emotional Abuse:
Putting them down. Making the other feel bad about them self. Calling the other a name. Making them think they're crazy. Playing mind games. Humiliating the other. Making the other feel guilty.
Using Isolation:
Controlling what they do who they see, and talks to, what they read, what they wear, where they go. Limiting outside involvement. Using jealousy to justify actions.
Minimizing, Denying, and Blaming:
Making light of the abuse and not taking their concerns about it seriously. Saying the abuse didn't happen. Shifting responsibility for abusive behavior. Saying the other caused it.
Using Children:
Making them feel guilty about the children. Using the children to relay messages. Using visitation to harass other. Threatening to take the child away.
Using Male (or Female) Privilege:
Treating him or her like a servant. Making all the big decisions. Acting like the "master of the castle". Being the one to define "men and women's roles".
Using Economic Abuse:
Preventing the other from getting or keeping a job. Making the other ask for money. Giving the other an allowance. Taking the others money. Not letting the other have access to family money accounts.
Using Coercion and Threats:
Making and or carrying out threats to do something to hurt the other. Threatening to leave. To commit suicide. Report the other to welfare. Making the other drop charges. Making the other do illegal things.
Making the other afraid to use looks, actions, gestures. Smashing things. Destroying property. Abusing pets. Displaying weapons.
Using Emotional Abuse:
Putting them down. Making the other feel bad about them self. Calling the other a name. Making them think they're crazy. Playing mind games. Humiliating the other. Making the other feel guilty.
Using Isolation:
Controlling what they do who they see, and talks to, what they read, what they wear, where they go. Limiting outside involvement. Using jealousy to justify actions.
Minimizing, Denying, and Blaming:
Making light of the abuse and not taking their concerns about it seriously. Saying the abuse didn't happen. Shifting responsibility for abusive behavior. Saying the other caused it.
Using Children:
Making them feel guilty about the children. Using the children to relay messages. Using visitation to harass other. Threatening to take the child away.
Using Male (or Female) Privilege:
Treating him or her like a servant. Making all the big decisions. Acting like the "master of the castle". Being the one to define "men and women's roles".
Using Economic Abuse:
Preventing the other from getting or keeping a job. Making the other ask for money. Giving the other an allowance. Taking the others money. Not letting the other have access to family money accounts.
Using Coercion and Threats:
Making and or carrying out threats to do something to hurt the other. Threatening to leave. To commit suicide. Report the other to welfare. Making the other drop charges. Making the other do illegal things.
This was mainly for women, so I changed it to 'the other' or something to that effect.
Please do not cry. I'm here to read your blog. Who did your design? It is lovely!
Word Verification wants me to type in: undiff
Try to use it in a sentence.
I wanna be 'undiff' in life? LOL.
And I did my blog, silly.
Click on the link box thing in the top left hand corner, and it'll take you to some awesome layouts. ;)
It's weird...Johnny does a lot of this stuff...but I wouldn't call him abusive...idk, but thanks for showing me this...
oh and it wants me to put in: "domed" lmao...isn't that like....oh well nevermind
Man, alot of that stuff hits home...
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