Saturday, December 20, 2008

Session 6

Yesterday was my 6th session. I missed my session earlier in the week due to snow/ice storms. (is it summer yet??!)

Today we did our breathing exercise, talked a bit.

We went into the art room (yay!) and she put a huge pile of magazine around me.
She told me to go through as many as I can, and tear out the pages that have something I'm scared of/worried about out.
I got a good 30 pages torn out before the session was over.

We're going to finish my 'collage' "next year", haha. My next app. is in Jan.

So we're going to write my *fear* in the middle and then make a huge collage of these cut out pictures all over the poster board. It's going to be fun, at the same time she's going to talk me through everything and discuss WHY that certain item gives me so much fear.

I'll update next *year* on my next session, so for the rest of the year, your getting posts that are random and just *me* haha. :o)

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