Thursday, January 8, 2009

Alvin & The Chipmunks or Power Rangers?

Since I have sickies here, they camp out in the living room where the humidifier can get both of them (the healthy one is staying at my grandparents so he doesn't get this -- he has asthma, and is absolutely awful [sick wise] if he gets sick.. so I'd rather have him spending some quality time with G&G rather than get sick)...and since they "own" the living room now, we've been watching nothing but cartoons and these 2 movies. They're both "okay" movies, well A&TCM is, not Power Rangers, but once you watch it over and over and over, they get so annoying.

DD went to the dr today and she also got a RX for a Z-pak as well. It worked wonders for my DS! Let's hope she's better soon too.

Next week I can finally get back to counseling -- I need it! :(

1 comment:

That Girl said...

hope everyone is all better soon!