Yep, I'm one of those people. The people that don't want Obama in office.
I've been called racist and a black person hater because of this.
TOTALLY untrue. 100% false.
I disagree with many of the Democrats ways. It's nothing directly TOWARDS Obama. I have absolutely NO hate for black people at all.
I'm 100% Republican. I wanted John McCain to win.
All in all, it's a sad day for many, many people.
I've been called racist and a black person hater because of this.
TOTALLY untrue. 100% false.
I disagree with many of the Democrats ways. It's nothing directly TOWARDS Obama. I have absolutely NO hate for black people at all.
I'm 100% Republican. I wanted John McCain to win.
All in all, it's a sad day for many, many people.
its USMC Wife from FF. I agree with you more than I can even express. What are we supposed to do with a president with zero experience or direction. All hope is lost. :/
I just came upon your blog on the BHB. I am totally adding you to my reading list after reading this post. I have a lot of problems with our new president, and it has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin! It's really hard to come by someone who feels the same. I am glad to have found your blog.
I also have anxiety/panic attacks so I think I am really going to like your blog!
Thanks for reading Kristin!
It seems my blogs are not as anxiety related as they were. I guess its because I go to my counselor once a week or once every two weeks now. But dont fret, I will still post about my wonderful *ick* anxiety attacks. ;)
if you are a strict republican why were you so into Mrs. Clinton? how do you go from a democrat such as her, to liking McCain? makes no sense imo.
Sorry... realized I had type-os. I can't stand when I do that My comment said :
I like how the one playing the critic decided to remain anonymous. Real noble. I just dont understand why every Obama support has to get so defensive over people having their own opinions about our new "president."
we've tried the republican way for 8 years.
-tax cuts(mainly for the wealthy)
-increased deficit
-unnecessary war
-no real decrease in spending to account for the tax cuts
-too much deregulation
How many of you guys don't pay off your credit card balances each month? I would suspect not many. why? because you and other normal people don't want to pay finance charges to the credit card company. That would be an insane waste of money.
Likewise, with BUSH under the helm, we've seen our deficit skyrocket. How do we finance our debt?...by issuing t-bills that are then sold to foreigners(who make money off the backs of the american tax payer).
Clinton had the right idea, balance the budget. Decrease our debt, force the foreigners to buy dollar based goods instead of our t-bills. Hopefully, Obama will follow suit.
As for comparing Mccain's and Obama's military experience. Obama has none. Mccain fought in vietnam. But the military has changed so much in ideas, tactics, and technology in last 30-40 year which makes McCain experience pretty useless now. Not only that, but that guy was involved in like 5 plane crashes(accidents and being shot down). Experience doesn't necessarily make a good soldier/pilot.
also, why does the president need military experience? Military tactics and strategies are the domain of generals, commanders, and military logistics. These guys are the ones that advise the president. The president's main job is to to make judgment on the overall political/military consequences of taking an action or not.
All we can do now(democrats and republicans) is pray that Obama makes the right decisions.
p.s. I'm not white. and I don't think white people who voted for mccain are racist, but I do believe there are white people who voted for mccain solely because he was the white guy. Likewise, I also believe there are black people who solely voted for Obama because is the black guy.
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