Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mouthy Kids?

So, my youngest and 2.5, he'll be 3 in June. He is soooooo mouthy!
I don't know where he got it from!

He is very demanding!

Say he'll just eat a meal, a few minutes later "give me fruit snacks!"
Us: "No, DS, you just ate, just wait a while."
And on and on.
If he drops something on the floor - he is very capable of bending over and picking it up - he demands, LITERALLY DEMANDS us to get it for him.

Basically wait on him hand and foot.. I've never, ever seen a kid so mean and demanding!

I'm afraid to say no to him because he just yells MORE!

Any tips??

I'm going nuts!


Ellie... said...

I am there with you! My 2.5 yr old does the same. We just keep on with positive reinforcement. Good luck!!

Megan said...

Does your 2.5 year old also hate going to bed? :( Mine thinks it's totally normal to stay up til 2am! I'm going nUTso!

Maggie said...

My 3 year old and my 2 year old both do this! I feel your pain.

Megan said...

I'm so glad I'm not alone.

I think we all need a drink, or 8. ;)

That Girl said...

I have a almost 8 yr old and it just gets worse. lol No really, you need to be consistant now and tell them that you do not talk to mommy like that and tell them good words to say. Like, Mommy can I please have some fruit snacks. If you say no than that will be the end of the conversation or they will go to timeout. My daughter was HOR-RIBLE around age 3. 2's were easy but 3 was torture!

Megan said...

Oh goody. LOL.
Thanks for all the tips!