Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blah, kids, blah, stressed!

My kids = stress this weekend.

My middle DS was throwing a temper tantrum, so I left him in the kitchen to do it. I don't want to see a 4 yr old scream like a girl and say he doesn't like me.

I went back out to check on him after I heard a ton of banging sounds. He was throwing CANNED GOODS at the stove! I got him to quit then he started kicking the stove.

Oh boy, he's going to be a fun teen.

I'm just stressed.

That and my 2 yr old will not back off me for 5 mins. If I try to sneak a bowl of cereal for myself, holy heck - they ALL smell it apparently (who knows? They have noses like DOGS!) and run "I WANT YOUR CEREAL MOM!" even if they're in the middle of eating their meal or snack. I just don't eat half the time because I can't get 2 minutes to myself.

Ahh I'm sooo stressed out this weekend.

Sorry for the mini-rant.

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